Monday, June 13, 2011

Why Gluten Free Coffee Breaks?

Every other Tuesday our Wilson Gluten Free Support Group meets up to have a Gluten Free Coffee Break. The purpose of these meetings is simple: we need to share our experiences. Being gluten free in a gluten filled society can be tough. Food is important in so many aspects of our lives... and when you are gluten free it effects every part of your life. 

Our Tuesday night coffee breaks are simply a safe place for you to share your experiences, have a safe gluten free cupcake or brownie, and just have the opportunity to talk with people who get it. Whether you're gluten free due to celiac disease, autoimmune disorders, autism spectrum disorders, or simply for health reasons, we're here to help you. 

Our next GF Coffee Break will be held on Tuesday June 21st from 7-8pm at the Wilson Chick-Fil-A on Forest Hills Rd. If you have any questions about our coffee break or about our support group, please email Carrie (gingerlemongirl at gmail dot com). 

I look forward to meeting you! :-) 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Wilson Gluten Free Support Group - Dates for June 2011

June Monthly Support Group Meeting:
  • Saturday June 11th, 4-6pm at Nancy Clayton's home. Email Carrie (gingerlemongirl at gmail dot com) for directions!) 

June Gluten Free Coffee Breaks: 
  • Tuesday June 21st, 7-8pm at the Wilson Chick-Fil-A